Flashback to the milestones

History of EU MODEX

We proudly look back on 10 years of challenges, international cooperation, excitement and professionalism. 



Click on the map on the right to get an overview of all EU MODEX exercises held between 2016 - 2019. 

A journey through the past


Cycle 11 – 2020-2022

EU MODEX moves with the times.

For safety reasons due to the pandemic, many of the 28 planned exercises have to be postponed.

The time freed up by the pandemic is being put to good use: The teams behind the planning are feverishly developing concepts to continuously improve the exercises in the future and continue the EU MODEX success story.

The length of a cycle was extended from two to three years. 
From now on there is the possibility that an exercise takes place in a third country. 

We look forward to meeting you again in person at one or the other exercise. Stay tuned!

Cycle 10 – 2019/2020

The pandemic claims its toll.

A new exercise type using virtual reality for EUCPT team leaders is introduced. 

The number of exercises is again increased to 16. 
For the first time, an avalanche scenario with buried persons was planned. 

Sadly, some of the planned exercises had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, including the avalanche exercise. 


Cycle 9 – 2018/2019

Help your neighbor extinguish the fire before it spreads to your roof.

A premiere for EU MODEX: Forest Fire Fighting modules actively participate in field exercises! 

An incredible 15 exercises will be conducted in this cycle, two of them specifically for EU Civil Protection Experts (EUCPT) and Technical Assistance Support Teams (TAST). 

Cycle 8 – 2017/2018

Health is the greatest asset, especially during a disaster.

Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) are introduced to the world of EU MODEX and participate in several exercises. This also applies to the enormous EMT3 from Israel. 

Romania invites to a medical EU MODEX of never before seen size.

A total of 14 exercises are held in Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Bulgaria, Austria and Romania.


Cycle 7 – 2016/2017

Civil protection without borders:  
For the first time, an exercise is taking place in a non-EU member state (North Macedonia, UCPM Participating State). In addition to this, third country modules can also participate in exercises from now on.

A total of 14 exercises are held in Slovenia, Latvia, Romania, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, North Macedonia and Germany.

As participants, a mobile laboratory and a cave rescue team (CaveSAR) show up for the first time. 





Cycle 6 – 2015/2016

EU MODEX takes off! 

Budget and number of exercises increases to an unbelievable number of 14!

The certification process of modules for the Voluntary Pool needs to be accomodated in MODEX exercises for the first time.

Cycle 5 – 2014/2015

EU MODEX proves its worth!
The EU Commission increases the budget.

Five table-top exercises are carried out in Slovenia, Croatia, Belgium and Germany.
CBRN defense and water related teams practice on three field exercises in France, Belgium and Germany.
Other field exercises for USAR and medical teams take place in United Kingdom, Netherlands and Denmark.

Cycle 4 – 2013/2014

A new milestone in European cooperation:
The first multinational module exercises at EU MODEX!
The BaltFloodCombat is a joint team of the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. 

In total, eleven exercises were hosted in this cycle in Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Luxembourg, Estonia and Italy. 

Cycle 3 – 2012/2013

New contract partner, new successes: 
6 exercises in water rescue, medical and urban search and rescue could be conducted in the Netherlands, France, Estonia, Denmark and Bulgaria. 

Cycle 2 – 2011/2012

Every beginning is difficult.

The contractor went bankrupt and no exercise was conducted.


Cycle 1 - 2010/2011

European countries are at the beginning of a journey that will take joint civil protection to a new level. 

The sense of unity that emerges at this time grows steadily over the following years and helps to master the great challenges of European civil protection together as a highly motivated and professional community. 

This year, a total of 11 exercises were held in the areas of table-top exercise, water rescue, medical, urban search and rescue, and hazardous materials removal in Croatia, Germany and the Netherlands. The first exercise was a TTX on 16-20 October 2010 in Croatia.

Experts from Technical Assistance Support Teams and the European Civil Protection were present at each exercise.