After more than 100 exercises for European civil protection modules since 2010, it is finally time to celebrate this great success together.

After more than 100 exercises for European civil protection modules since 2010, it is finally time to celebrate this great success together.
The aim of EU MODEX is to better prepare modules/capacities/civil protection authorities and experts for international deployments under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), to ensure a faster, coordinated and efficient response to emergencies.
In addition, EU MODEX should enhance the coordination during UCPM interventions by ensuring improved interoperability and cooperation between intervention teams, national authorities and other stakeholders.
Starting in 2010 with a table-top exercise with 15 participants, EU MODEX has developed strongly. Meanwhile, full-scale exercises with far more than 200 participants are part of the exercise cycle. Over the years, rescue workers and experts from as many as 37 countries have had the opportunity to exercise together.
Not only did size and quality evolve, but new training opportunities were created to include all types of civil protection modules and other capacities. Over time, different set-ups and target group combinations were tested to further improve the training experience, so that today a globally recognised high level is achieved.
Challenges, Stories, Videos, Images
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5 Lots for
To support the needs of different types of civil protection modules, other response capacities as well as the technical assistance and support teams and European Union civil protection expert teams, the exercises are divided in 5 lots. Tabletop exercises as well as field exercises are part of the EU MODEX program.
ModTTX focuses on indepth cooperation between different actors in a disaster environment, on procedures, communication and information management and much more...
An integrated approach for consequence management of floods, forest fires or chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear hazards for all specialized modules.
www.apell-euromodex.eu/Complex field exercises for all kind of urban search and rescue modules, supported by different other response capacities, are conducted by lot 3.
www.eu-modex.euA functional exercise approach with a strong link to the reality that a EUCPT and TAST can be exposed to, both on operational, tactical and strategic levels.
www.msb.se/en/Target group of lot 5 are medical modules of all kinds and sizes as well as laboratory capacities which are exercising together with and EUCPT and a TAST in realistic field exercises.

Hubertus von Puttkamer
Member of the Executive Board of Directors, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Germany

Sebastian Rhodes Stampa
Chief of the Emergency Response Section in OCHA, Geneva

Fabrizio Curcio
Director General of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Italy

Alain Thirion
Director General for Civil Protection and Crisis Management, France

Gérald Darmanin
Minister of Interior, France

Eduardo Cabrita
Minister of Home Affairs, Portugal

Dr. Mike Ryan
WHO Executive Director for the Health Emergencies Programme

Stephan Mayer
Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community, Germany

Christos Stylianides
former Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management / European Commission

Uroš Lampret
State Secretary Ministry of Defence, Slovenia

Nikos Chardalias
Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Crisis Management, Greece
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