Mario Di Gennaro
Mario started his career as paramedic in the German Red Cross 1988. Since 2005 he works in the field of Disaster Management and Civil Protection within different organisations. He has been on several international missions with the ICRC and the EUCPM. In 2020 he started as Head of Competence Center EU Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance of Johanniter and took on the role as EU MODEX Project Manager in the current lot 3 and 5 consortia. Before he was already involved in EU MODEX as Evaluator since 2010.
What does EU MODEX mean to me?
For me EU MODEX is the best example to show how development and progress of civil protection exercises became reality. Additionally, EU MODEX is not only exercising, it is a special spirit of the civil protection community.
What are my wishes for the future of EU MODEX?
I wish a further development of EU MODEX looking on new methods and technologies, to prepare the participants on the best way to ensure safe deployments and to help people in need.
Comments and Responses
Comments :
LG Elke
Bleib gesund und erfolgreich