Faces of EU MODEX

Malisa Pfeifer

As a journalist Malisa is part of the media team. She helps capture the essence of EU MODEX on video so that everyone who watches them feels, as if they were participating at the exercise themselves.

Faces of EU MODEX
What does EU MODEX mean to me?


EU MODEX has developed a very special meaning for me over the years - it started as a new challenge and a new opportunity to apply my skills in the media field and quickly developed into a fixed point in my annual calendar where I would meet some of the best and greatest people I ever met - those people became more than just acquaintances, they became friends and for the short period of time during the EU MODEX days they became a special kind of family. I met incredible talented, dedicated and selfless people who really live the european idea and form a strong community. I am proud to know them and to be a small part of the EU MODEX Team. Thank you all for adopting me in to this special family of great people.

What are my wishes for the future of EU MODEX?


I wish EU MODEX many many more successful and exciting Exercises all over Europe and the world.

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