Singe Stanley
Singe has 32 years of Search & Rescue operational experience, has deployed around the world to multiple natural disasters and introduced capacity building projects into Central Asia.
He has been a participant in many EU MODEX and has been a trainer for the last four years.
Community and opportunity are the two words that come to my mind when I think about and describe EU MODEX. The sense of belonging to a wider community of like-minded people, who through their continued commitment to improving their own and their teams operational readiness, gives me confidence in Europe's ability to respond when needed.
And the opportunity that EU MODEX gives teams to attend realistic exercises, that truly prepares them to respond and add value.
I really hope that EU MODEX, continues to expand and challenge responders and through continued technologies enables all responders the chance to test themselves and their teams.
EU MODEX, continues to be successful because of its ability to constantly challenge and adapt. The spirit of EU MODEX family is infectious and I value the energy and enthusiasm that everyone one demonstrates, putting together world-class exercises, makes me, very proud that I am part of that family.
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